Monday, November 12, 2012

Meeting reflection

We had our meeting on Wednesday, on 31 October 2012 in the ADMC. Our group consists of four students. The leader of the group is Ahmed Al Suwaidi, Abdulla was the minute’s taker. Faisal Alhosani and I were participants. We started the meeting at 2:40.The main theme was talking about Emiraitization (employ nationals effectively in government and private sectors).

Initially Ahmed spoke about the meaning and importance of Emiraitization. We discussed with them several things about its importance. Secondly, we discussed the reasons of not finding appropriate job after graduation. Each of us found several reasons for this problem. Faisal said most of public and private sectors want the certificate and the experience together and this is difficult because if you provide the certificate the experience maybe not enough also he spoke about those students who haven’t completed their studies and had never even completed high school following behind job and they put in their heads the idea that finding a job. I discussed another issue which talks about decreasing the number of students at the colleges and universities after joining because some subjects in foundation year like mathematics and IELTS. We searched for some solutions to reduce this phenomenon. And we found the best solution to reduce this problem is to encourage the students to complete their studies and advise them to study required majors in UAE. Also, give them incentives such as scholarships and monthly bounces and urged them to search for the right job before graduation.

Finally, getting the appropriate job is difficult these days. In my opinion student should give himself chance to experience any job even if isn’t his specialty may he will innovate in the area of another field.

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