Monday, November 19, 2012

Meeting Minutes

Date of meeting: 31th Oct 2012
Time of meeting: Start at: 2:40; Finish at: 3:00
Venue: W104

Present:               Ahmad Al Suwaidi (Chair); Abdulla Ibrahim (Minutes taker); Faisal Al Hosani; Khamis (Participants)

1                     Welcome, apology for being late, Ahmad introduced the topic of the meeting which is Emiratization

2                     Emiratization Problems:
·                       Faisal started to discuss the problem of why students doesn't find jobs
·                       Ahmad added reasons of why student's don't want to continue studying
·                       Khamis discussed the market analysis where some students join programs that they don't know about just to meet their friends
·                       Faisal mentioned that students believe that private sectors don't fit with their needs. For example, overtime working hours

3                 Emiratization Solutions:

·                     Faisal decided that colleges and universities should make more orientations to enhance the graduate students to work

4                Actions:

·                     Ahmad divided the work with the group members
·                     Faisal will do a research (survey) about how many students demanded for a job and have they got it?
·                     Khamis will do an analysis about this research
·                     The group will give feedbacks of the research in the next meeting

5              Date of the next meeting will be on the 7th of Nov 2012 at 2:40 PM 

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