Tuesday, January 8, 2013


I have learned many things when I studied at ADMC, and benefited a lot from them. Also, there are new things I learned from academic communication courses. First, I learned how to write reports for workplace which are different from study reports and it will be helpful in my future career. Second, I learn how to build my own C.V. including my skills and my experience to applying for a job. Also, I made a new type of interviews I haven’t made before. It is with my classmates and my teacher. They interview me; on the other hand I interview my classmate also. Then in the middle of this course we made group to prepare for meeting and learn how to do meeting in the workplace. Last thing in this course was making report about security in the information technology. After that, I do presentation with my group about all that we have learned from the work environment.

There are several difficulties encountered at the beginning of this course but now it become easy for me. These difficulties are when I start to learn how to write professional report for work without any mistakes. Also, how to do professional interview.

Finally, I feel I am ready to apply to job and do professional work as I learned from my teacher by corrected my mistakes and answer my quires. Also, from feedbacks when I made some mistakes he give me chance to correct it and make it better. In my opinion N307 course is helpful course and prepare us for future career and improve our skills to do professional work.


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